Friday, February 15, 2008


My therapist (whole other story), said something interesting. He said that in his experience, women become mothers over the course of nine months, whereas men become fathers overnight.

He explained to me that what he meant was that, for women, their pregnancy often remains abstract, almost surreal, until certain milestones come, such as the ultrasound and hearing the heartbeat. For men, things can also stay kinda surreal, but they start experiencing most of the stress and anxiety of fatherhood almost as soon as they learn that they're gonna be dads.

I can certainly relate to that. Kate is still taking pregnancy tests every day (those suckers ain't cheap!), unable to believe it every time one comes up positive. Which they all have. Me, though, it's like I've moved on. I'm already thinking "Holy crap! I don't know anything about caring for a kid. Am I going to be a good father? Am I going to be able to survive months of sleeplessness? Am I going to be able to raise a child without completely screwing it up? Am I going to be able to pay for a child without declaring bankruptcy?"

Yeah, I think that therapist may be on to something. That's why they pay him the big bucks.

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