Monday, February 18, 2008

One hates to play the sexism card...

Y'know, I hate to play the sexism card, but I can't help but wonder if it would be PC to publish a book, The Everything Mothers-To-Be Book, that had similar passages.  Can you imagine?

"If you attend a stitch-and-bitch, bring along a chilled sixer of white-wine spritzer and enough knitting patterns for everyone to start something for your little miracle!  Showing that cute baby blanket you've been working on can be a great way to tell your friends.  Bring a little prize for whoever clues in first!"

Man, I'm feeling cynical tonight, but seriously, I can't imagine that kinda stuff would fly.  But it's perfectly ok to assume a certain level of moronity (that's a word) when it comes to the male reader in this field.  And maybe that's fair.  But geez are these books annoying sometimes.

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